Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Storm Before The Storm

If how I feel right now is any indication of how this study abroad experience in Galway, Ireland is going to be, it is going to be awesome. I am so beat right now that I feel like I just went five rounds with Rocky Balboa. Okay, more like two or three, but yay Philadelphia reference! Please keep my exhaustion in mind as I write my very first blog post!
The packing is pretty much complete, but the feelings of materialism and stress from over-packing still linger. Most of the time, Madonna's "Material Girl" was just playing on repeat in my head. Here it is for your listening pleasure if you would care to get it stuck. Be careful, though, that song will wedge itself in your brain, slowly driving you to madness.
The Original Material Girl
The house looks like some kind of tornado hit with all kinds of clothes, accessories, and various electric cords stranded all over the place. Even with the mess, (or maybe I should say, because of the mess), it's still my home, and I am going to miss it very much here.
I have to get a train from Trenton (the 2nd most magical place on Earth!) to the Newark Airport (the most magical place on Earth!) to catch my plane at 7:30 PM. The ride isn't too long, only about 6 1/2 hours, so I'll get into the Shannon Airport around 7:00 in the morning. From there, everyone in the program will get picked up and driven to Galway to have our first experience with the place we will be living for the next 5 1/2-ish months.
I know how lucky I am to have the experience to go on this study abroad for a whole semester, and it would have been impossible without the help of my mom, or maj/majington/majer, as we call her in our house. She has completely supported me through this whole process so far, and I appreciate her so much! Love you, Maj!
With that said, I'm going to get to sleep, but in the future I will be better at writing in this blog and I will be making changes to the format, so feel free to stay tuned!

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